Cuban Americans For Engagement (CAFE)
February 19, 2014
The time is right to get engaged! Everyone is doing it!
More than 64% of Miami-Dade County wants to!
Let's do it! In Miami, March 15th.
The last few weeks we've seen a whirlwind of activity in favor of normalizing government relations and healing human relationships across the Florida Straits. The Atlantic Council's Public Opinion Poll exposed the fallacy of the "Florida vote" excuse for maintaining the embargo. Senators Flake and Leahy published an op-ed in the Miami Herald, supporting normalization. Senators, Sanders, Tester and Heitkamp returned from Cuba calling for renewed relations. Florida Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist shined a spotlight on his campaign by announcing his anti-embargo platform. And let's not forget Alfy Fanjul openly displaying his capacity for dialogue. He is not alone.
Cuban Americans For Engagement, joined by FORNORM, Generacion Cambio Cubano & Cuba Educational Travel invite you to the Sofitel Hotel of Miami to participate in the one-day conference/gathering
“US/Cuba Relations, the Second Obama Administration:
The Cuban-American Community and changes in Cuba-Building bridges for better relations.”
Early Bird lunch discount before March 1st Email:
Here's a sampling of panelists!
Silvia Wilhelm- Founder and Executive Director of Puentes Cubanos Inc. and of the Cuban-American Commission for Family Rights.
Antonio Zamora- Author of What I Learned About Cuba By Going To Cuba, Law Professor at FIU, and co-owner of CubaNews.
Dr. Guillermo Grenier- FIU Professor, author, and lead investigator of FIU Cuba Poll, cosponsored by Cuban Research Institute.
Yasmin Portales- Coordinator Proyecto Arcoiris/Rainbow Project, blogger, and participant of Red Observatorio Crítico.
Roberto Veiga & Lenier González- Editors of Espacio Laical, publication of the Archbishop of Havana.
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