United States Cuba Policy & Business Blog

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

United States Cuba Relations: Post UN Embargo Vote Analysis-Where Do We Go From Here

Dear U.S. Cuba Politics.com 

FORGET  IT!                FORGET  IT!
Forget the US Congress regarding anything to do with US/Cuba relations.
Congress is not going to repeal Helms -Burton any time in the next 10 years. That is a fact!

The only exception to the aforementioned is if there is a serious effort to raise money for a Political Action Committee -- United States Cuba Now PAC-- ( visit www.uscubanowpac.com ) and distribute political contributions to various members of the House and Senate and congressional candidates. 

All the letters, e-mails, petitions and resolutions mean absolutely nothing at this time. We are way passed the time when letters etc. will have any measurable impact.
All efforts should be placed on three fronts.
One: Remove Cuba from the list of terrorist countries.  It will take more than a petition to do that.

Two: Lobby the White House and State Department to issue an Executive order to allow Americans to travel to Cuba under a "General License".

Three: US/Cuba negotiate the release of Alan Gross and the Cuban Five are pardoned and returned to Cuba.
Any other efforts will not have an positive impact on enhancing US/Cuba relations.

Albert A. Fox, Jr.
Alliance for Responsible Cuba Policy Foundation
8675 Hidden River Parkway
Tampa, FL 33637